Direct State Funding

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What is this?
How projects get approved for TDA
Application and approval process
What does this mean for the proposed resort project?
What can be done about this? And what is RRGU doing about this?


What is this?

This is exactly what it sounds like. State tax money is given directly to the project after being allocated in the state’s biennial budget.

This means tax money the resort has not already generated – tax money generated by other Kentucky businesses – would be given directly to the project.

The Stantec report also categorizes potential grants from the legislature or cabinets under this umbrella.

How projects get approved for direct state funding

This would require a concerted effort to lobby and convince state representative and senators, appropriate committee members, State Cabinet Secretaries and Commissioners (who have jurisdiction of each respective source of funding) that the project would be worthy of such a direct allocation of state funds.

Application and approval process

The state budget requires approval from both houses and is signed into law by the governor.

Grants or other state funding have specific processes for each

What does this mean for the proposed resort project?

This means the resort could potentially receive, as listed in the RRED RFQ from 1/6/21, $5,000,000 from direct state funds, if successful in their efforts.

What can be done about this? And what is RRGU doing about this?

RRGU is already reaching out to members of the General Assembly to educate them about the project and encourage them to oppose any direct allocations of state tax money to the project.

Anyone who lives in Kentucky is encouraged to contact their local senator and representative, as well as the governor and state staff, and encourage them to oppose any such actions.

To contact your senator or representative:

First you need to find your legislators:

Once you have their names you can make a phone call using the legislative hotline number below AND look up their email addresses and sent them an email.

Find your legislators emails: