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The Red River Gorge is constantly growing in popularity and powerful developers are already looking to capitalize on this delicate resource. Residents are making moves to defend the region but they need your help.

Our group, Red River Gorge United (RRGU) has carefully planned goals to protect the natural beauty and local mom-and-pop feel of the region while supporting sustainable economic growth. We are not anti-business. If we are to successfully ward off excessive or unwanted development from the Red River Gorge region it will not be an easy undertaking – and will take financial support.

RRGU has made a commitment to be as transparent as possible about our operations by being upfront about how donations will be used in our efforts. Below is a breakdown of our current funding goals: (click to enlarge)

Legal expenses - $30,000; Administrative costs - $20,000; Social media - $5,000; Constant Contact newsletter - $1,200 - 90/mo for 12 months; VoterVoice legislator letter-sending system - $5,500 - 1 year; Survey of Slade residents - $2,000; Website hosting and domain - $300 - annual charge; Printed materials, pamphlets - $1,000; Posters, promo for climbing gyms - $500; TOTAL - $65,500

Much of the funding for these has so far come from locals who are concerned and opposed to this new resort development. However, these few business owners cannot do this alone. Any support from the widespread and international community of rock climbers, campers, hikers, environmentalists, or nature lovers would amplify our efforts to protect the region.

We have many larger goals beyond those listed here, including the establishment of a land trust or other tool for land conservation. Check out the graphic below with some of our other initiatives.

Even donations of $5-10 will bring us one step closer to completing a new project in the interest of protecting the region from over-development and preserve its integrity for future generations to enjoy.

Donate with PayPal:

Donate with Venmo:
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Mail checks to:
Red River Gorge United
200 L&E Railroad Pl,
Slade, KY 40376


Questions? Concerns? Reach out to